Cobblestone Park Family Dental

Not All Bottled Water is Good for Your Teeth

bottled water tips from OKC dentist

Did you know that the water you drink has a huge impact on your teeth?  It does! 

When it comes to maintaining a healthy smile, the type of water you consume plays a significant role. Most people are unaware of this fact and it’s often overlooked in the routines of our daily life. The Cobblestone Family Dental team is dedicated to providing our patients with high-quality dental care and educating them on all aspects of oral health. So today, we’re diving deep into the impact of drinking water on your teeth! 

Whether you live in Edmond, Oklahoma City, or Piedmont, you should take a few minutes to read this post. Most people think bottled water is of better quality all around, but your city water might be better than you think. This article will explore why not all bottled water benefits your teeth and how you can make informed choices to protect your smile.

If you’re looking for an Oklahoma City area dentist for your family, contact us today to make an appointment. The information we provide online is just a tiny glimpse into the value we give each of our patients! 

The Importance of Fluoride in Drinking Water

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that strengthens tooth enamel and reduces the risk of cavities. It is often added to public water supplies in a process known as water fluoridation, which has been recognized by various health organizations, including the American Dental Association (ADA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as a significant factor in reducing tooth decay over the past several decades.

However, many bottled water brands do not contain adequate levels of fluoride. This can be problematic, especially for individuals who rely solely on bottled water for their hydration needs. The lack of fluoride means that your teeth may not receive the additional protection they need, potentially increasing the risk of cavities and other issues.

When you visit your dentist for routine teeth cleanings, it’s common to have a fluoride treatment to remineralize your tooth enamel and help reverse the effects of tooth decay. 

Variability in Mineral Content of Bottled Water

Another critical factor of bottled water is its mineral content, which can vary widely between different brands and sources. Some bottled waters are sourced from natural springs and may contain beneficial minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which can contribute to overall health, including dental health. On the other hand, some bottled waters are filtered tap water with very low mineral content.

The mineral composition of the water you drink can affect the pH balance in your mouth. Acidic environments can erode tooth enamel, increasing sensitivity and a higher risk of decay. Ideally, the water you consume should be neutral or slightly alkaline to help maintain a balanced oral environment.

The Hidden Dangers of Acidity in Bottled Water

One of the less-known issues with some bottled waters is their acidity. The pH level of water measures its acidity or alkalinity, with a pH of 7 being neutral. Many bottled waters, especially those labeled as purified or distilled, can have a pH level below 7, making them acidic. Drinking acidic water can contribute to the erosion of tooth enamel over time, weakening teeth and making them more susceptible to decay and sensitivity.

Awareness of the pH levels of the bottled water you consume is essential. Checking labels and choosing neutral or slightly alkaline pH brands can help protect your teeth from unnecessary acid exposure.

The Impact of Sugar and Flavorings

Flavored bottled waters are popular due to their taste and perceived health benefits. However, many of these flavored waters contain added sugars and acids that can harm oral health. The sugars in these drinks provide a food source for harmful bacteria in your mouth, producing acids that can erode tooth enamel and cause cavities.

Even if the flavored water does not contain sugar, the added flavorings often include citric acid or other acidic compounds to enhance the taste. These acids can contribute to tooth enamel erosion as effectively as sugary beverages. It is crucial to read labels carefully and opt for plain, unflavored water whenever possible to avoid these hidden dental risks.

Bottled Water and Dental Hygiene in Children

Children’s dental health is particularly vulnerable to the effects of bottled water. Since children’s teeth are still developing, they are more susceptible to the impacts of inadequate fluoride intake and high acidity. Many parents provide bottled water for their children, assuming it to be a healthier choice, but this can inadvertently deprive them of the fluoride they need for strong teeth.

As a family dental practice in OKC, Cobblestone Family Dental emphasizes the importance of fluoride in preventing childhood cavities. Parents should be mindful of the type of water their children consume and consider incorporating fluoridated tap water into their diet. If bottled water is preferred or necessary, seeking brands that include fluoride can help ensure that children receive the essential minerals needed for robust dental health.

Environmental Considerations of Bottled Water

Beyond the health impacts, bottled water has a significant environmental footprint. The production and disposal of plastic water bottles contribute to environmental pollution, which is an increasingly pressing concern. Individuals can reduce their environmental impact by choosing tap water or refillable water bottles to benefit their dental health.

When available, filtered tap water is often a cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative to bottled water. Investing in a high-quality water filter can provide clean, great-tasting water without the negative environmental or dental health implications associated with many bottled water brands.

Making Informed Choices About Bottled Water and Teeth

Making informed choices about your drinking water can substantially impact your oral health. Here are a few tips to help you choose the best water for your teeth:

  1. Check for Fluoride Content: Look for bottled water brands that contain fluoride. If you primarily drink tap water, ensure your local water supply is fluoridated.
  2. Test the pH Level: Consider testing the pH level of your bottled water to ensure it is neutral or slightly alkaline. Many pH testing kits are available for home use and can provide valuable information about your water.
  3. Avoid Added Sugars and Acids: Steer clear of flavored waters that contain added sugars or acidic flavorings. These additives can harm your tooth enamel and increase the risk of cavities.
  4. Use Refillable Bottles: Use a refillable water bottle with filtered tap water whenever possible. This choice benefits your oral health and reduces your environmental impact.
  5. Consult Your Dentist: Regular dental check-ups are necessary for maintaining oral health. Your dentist can provide advice on the best water choices for your specific needs and help you understand the impact of your drinking habits on your teeth. If you’re looking for an Oklahoma City dentist, make an appointment with us

As always, we encourage you to use toothpaste with fluoride and practice a consistent dental health routine to protect your teeth. 

OKC Family Dentist You Can Count On!

At Cobblestone Family Dental, we are committed to helping our OKC-area patients achieve and maintain excellent oral health. Understanding the impact of bottled water on your teeth is an essential part of this goal. While bottled water can be convenient and sometimes necessary, not all brands are created equal regarding dental health. By making informed choices about your water, you can protect your teeth and beautiful smile for years.

We invite you to visit Cobblestone Family Dental for personalized advice and comprehensive dental care. Our experienced team is here to support you in every aspect of your dental health journey, from preventive care to advanced treatments. Remember, a healthy smile starts with informed decisions and regular dental visits.